Ulliance Well-Being Blog

BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

Written by Ulliance | Jul 7, 2020 7:24:16 PM



Help to Raise Awareness and Provide Access to Essential information and resources

Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) are less likely to have access to mental health services, less likely to use community mental health services, more likely to use emergency departments, and more likely to receive lower quality care, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

And poor mental health care access and quality of services contribute to poor mental health outcomes, including suicide, among BIPOC populations.

Not only do BIPOC communities face disparities when it comes to access to mental health care and worse outcomes, the tragic killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are having major impacts on mental health in BIPOC communities, especially among African Americans. Within a week of George Floyd’s death, according to the Washington Post, anxiety and depression among African Americans shot to higher rates than experienced by any other racial or ethnic group, with 41 percent screening positive for at least one of the symptoms. A Longitudinal Study of Racial Discrimination and Risk for Death Ideation in African American Youth revealed both a direct effect and mediated effects of perceived racism on later suicide and morbid ideation.

Breaking down stigmas around mental health starts with increasing awareness and providing access to information and resources.

To help educate employees, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) suggests giving one of its presentations such as its Sharing Hope for the African American community or Compartiendo Esperanza for the Hispanic and Latino communities. The NAMI presentations go over the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions as well as how and where to find help.  There are more than 600 NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates across the country, many of which offer an array of free support and education programs.

Learn more about the comprehensive services that Ulliance can
provide to your employees with a best in class EAP!

If you opt to create a new presentation, be sure to include current statistics from reputable sources and an array of available resources and connections to treatment.

An office fundraiser, even if it is held in a virtual setting, is another great way to get involved with BIPOC mental health. Mental Health America (MHA) allows you to create team fundraisers designed to provide mental health screenings, raise awareness, advocate for improving access to treatment and support public education programs. There are also options for volunteer and advocate opportunities.

MHA has an entire section of its website devoted to BIPOC mental health resources, including statistics, personal stories and more.

One way Ulliance is getting involved with BIPOC Mental Health Month is through partnering with and sponsoring Community of Hearts, a non-profit social movement and media awareness campaign to help remove stigmas around mental health, social and emotional wellness. The West Michigan-based movement is hosting a series of free community activities and educational events centered on BIPOC mental health. Visit communityofhearts.org to learn more.

Download your guidebook here https://www.mswdegrees.org/resources/BIPOC-mental-health

Combining years of clinical experience and the formation of a meaningful partnership with an organization’s human resources department, Ulliance is among the best EAP providers, and our experts can tailor recommendations for a variety of work\life circumstances.

 The Ulliance EAP services can help employees and employers come closer to a state of total well-being.

To learn how we can help, give call us at 866.648.8326.

The Ulliance Employee Assistance Program can address the
following issues:

• Stress about work or job performance
Crisis in the workplace
• Conflict resolution at work or in one’s personal life
• Marital or relationship problems
• Child or elder care concerns
• Financial worries
• Mental health problems
• Alcohol/substance abuse
• Grief
• Interpersonal conflicts