Ulliance Well-Being Blog

HR as a Strategic Partner: Getting Other Leaders Onboard

Written by Ulliance | Feb 20, 2024 2:25:16 PM

The landscape of human resources (HR) is evolving. Gone are the days of simply processing paperwork and managing benefits. Today, the most successful organizations recognize HR as a critical strategic partner, driving growth and propelling business success.

Yet, many HR professionals grapple with the same nagging question: How do we get leadership to truly listen and see us as strategic partners?

The answer lies not in flashy tactics or empty promises, but in a fundamental shift in approach. It's about shedding the administrative role and embracing a data-driven, business-oriented mindset. It's about proactively demonstrating how HR initiatives directly impact key metrics and contribute to achieving overall business goals.

Understanding Other Leaders' Perspective

While the strategic value of HR is gaining recognition, many professionals still struggle to fully engage other members of leadership. It's crucial to understand their perspective and address their concerns before demonstrating your impact.

Leadership's perception of HR as a strategic partner may be hindered by a number of factors, including: 

Misalignment with business goals

Other Leaders often operate in a results-driven environment, focused on immediate outcomes and tangible impacts. They might view HR initiatives as disconnected from core business objectives, lacking a clear line of sight between HR activities and company success.

Communication Disconnect

Technical jargon, data overload, or overly complex presentations can create a communication gap between HR and other forms of leadership. Other Leaders might struggle to understand the "why" behind HR initiatives, leading to skepticism and disengagement.

Lack of Quanitifiable Results

Traditional HR practices rarely boast quantifiable metrics or direct ROI. Other leaders might view them as "soft skills" initiatives without measurable outcomes, making it difficult to justify investments or assess their true value.

Past Performance Issues

Inconsistent data, poorly executed programs, or a history of unfulfilled promises can erode trust and create resistance to future HR initiatives. Other leaders might be hesitant to embrace new ideas from HR due to past negative experiences.

To shift the perception of HR within corporate leadership, we must engage with empathy, clarity, and a genuine understanding of their viewpoints. It's about building trust by highlighting the measurable value HR brings and demonstrating how our initiatives intertwine with company success.

5 Ways to Shift Your Approach From Administrative to Strategic Partner

The transformation to being a full strategic partner with the organization requires a change in mindset and action. Here are key steps:

1. Become a business partner

To be seen as a strategic asset, HR must evolve into a bona fide business partner. This means understanding the business inside out—its goals, challenges, and market environment—and leveraging human capital to drive strategic outcomes.

By aligning HR goals with the broader business strategy, we can ensure that every initiative contributes directly to the company's growth and success. What's more, when HR speaks the language of the business, it builds credibility and fosters a shared vision with leadership that is essential for transformative enterprise success.

  • Speak the language. Ditch the HR jargon and translate jargon and translate initiatives into business-centric terms like cost savings, increased productivity, and improved employee engagement.
  • Quantify HR's impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) like employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Utilize data analytics to track metrics and translate them into actionable insights for other leadership.

2. focus on roi

Understanding that every business decision is ultimately weighed on its return on investment (ROI), HR's journey toward gaining recognition as a strategic partner fundamentally depends on its ability to demonstrate tangible value.

By illustrating how HR initiatives not only support—but drive—financial performance, we can capture leadership's attention and reinforce our strategic influence.

  • Present clear returns on investment for your initiatives, using data and benchmarks to demonstrate value. Quantify the financial impact of HR programs, considering factors like reduced turnover costs, increased productivity, and improved talent acquisition ROI.

3. Build trust and credibility

To truly establish trust and credibility with other forms of leadership, HR must consistently demonstrate its reliability and deep understanding of the business.

By fostering a collaborative environment where we actively listen to the needs and concerns of our leaders, we lay the groundwork for a relationship based on mutual respect and shared goals. 

  • Deliver clear, measurable outcomes consistently. Track progress metrics and regularly communicate successes to other leaders.
  • Be proactive and reliable, anticipating needs and providing solutions tailored to specific business goals. This builds trust and positions HR as a valuable partner, not just a reactive service provider.

4. embrace data driven insights

It's critical for HR to not only collect data but to transform it into meaningful insights that propel the organization forward. Data tells us more than just where we are; it points us to where we could be.

By harnessing this power, HR can cement its role as a strategic advisor, unveiling opportunities for optimization, predicting future trends, and building an irrefutable case for its initiatives.

  • Leverage data to guide decision-making and measure the impact of your programs. Utilize HR analytics tools to track key metrics like time to hire, employee engagement, and turnover rates.
  • Translate data into actionable insights for other leaders. Don't just present raw data; highlight trends, identify areas for improvement, and recommend data-driven solutions.

5. Become a thought leader

Becoming a thought leader in HR isn't about having all the answers; it's about cultivating a space where questions can flourish, and innovative solutions can be nurtured. 

  • Don't wait to be invited. Proactively share industry trends, best practices, and research relevant to business challenges.
  • Showcase success stories from organizations that have strategically leveraged HR. Share case studies and research findings that demonstrate the positive impact of effective HR practices.

Communication Strategies for Success

Effective communication is essential to building trust and gaining buy-in. Here are key strategies for speaking leadership's language:

Tailor your message

Adapt your communication style and content to different leadership personalities and preferences. Some may prefer concise data-driven presentations, while others might respond better to storytelling and anecdotal evidence.

Speak succinctly and avoid jargon. Use clear, concise language that is easy for everyone to understand.

tell your story well

As humans, we are most receptive to receiving and remembering stories. Use real-world examples and employee testimonials to illustrate the impact of HR initiatives.

Data visualization tools can make complex information more easily digestible. Utilize charts, graphs, and other visuals to enhance other leaders’ understanding of your points.

Overcoming Obstacles and Building Trust

Shifting perceptions and building trust takes time and effort. Be prepared to address challenges and navigate resistance:

Anticipate objections

Anticipating objections is an opportunity to show empathy and understanding toward leadership concerns. By preparing thoughtful responses and demonstrating a willingness to adapt, HR positions itself as a respectful and flexible ally in the pursuit of shared organizational goals.

  • Practice addressing common concerns and skepticism with data-driven evidence and clear solutions. This could include concerns about cost, feasibility, or potential disruption. Prepare FAQs and have concrete answers backed by research and data.
  • Address past negative experiences head-on. Acknowledge past shortcomings and demonstrate how you've learned and improved. Showcase recent successes and positive changes to rebuild trust.

embrace continuous learning

It's through a commitment to ongoing improvement and education that HR truly becomes a driver of organizational excellence. With every new skill acquired and every piece of knowledge shared, we not only sharpen our own expertise but enrich the fabric of our workplace community.

  • Stay updated on industry trends and best practices. Attend conferences, webinars, and professional development opportunities to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Develop  your communication and stakeholder management skills. Learn how to effectively communicate complex information to diverse audiences and build strong relationships with key stakeholders.

Measure and Track Progress

By setting clear metrics and regularly taking stock of our growth, we cultivate a culture of accountability and celebration for every milestone achieved. Tracking progress isn’t just about quantifying success; it's about marking where we've been and where we're headed.

  • Monitor the impact of your efforts and regularly communicate successes to maintain momentum and reinforce your value proposition. Use data and metrics to demonstrate the positive outcomes of your initiatives.
  • Celebrate wins, both big and small. Recognizing progress and achievements keeps teams motivated and reinforces the value of your strategic approach.

Developing HR Strategic Influence

By stepping up as strategic partners, HR professionals can transcend traditional boundaries and emerge as a critical component of the organization. Embracing the role of strategic partners is more than a shift in responsibility; it's about creating deeper connections within our organizational fabric.

When HR leads with strategy, we nurture an environment where every voice feels heard, every talent is optimized, and every effort aligns with the broader vision. It's important because it reinforces our commitment to each other and to the overall success of the company.

When you partner with Ulliance, our Life Advisor Consultants are always just a phone call away to teach ways to enhance your work/life balance and increase your happiness. The Ulliance Life Advisor Employee Assistance Program can help employees and employers come closer to a state of total well-being.

Investing in the right EAP or Wellness Program to support your employees will help them and help you.  Visit https://ulliance.com/ or call 866-648-8326.

The Ulliance Employee Assistance Program can address the
following issues:

• Stress about work or job performance
• Crisis in the workplace
• Conflict resolution at work or in one’s personal life
• Marital or relationship problems
• Child or elder care concerns
• Financial worries
• Mental health problems
• Alcohol/substance abuse
• Grief
• Interpersonal conflicts

Have some questions about our services? Book a quick meeting below!



How to Position HR as a Strategic Business Partner; S2Verify https://s2verify.com/resource/strategic-hr-business-partner/

HR's New Role: How Human Resources Needs To Evolve To Support The Future Of Work; Forbes; Heather V. MacArthur

How HR Can Earn the CEO’s Trust; Society for Human Resources Management; Tony Lee and Dana Wilkie

The New Possible: How HR Can Help Build the Organization of the Future; McKinsey & Company; Asmus Komm, Florian Pollner, Bill Schaninger, and Surbhi Sikka https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-new-possible-how-hr-can-help-build-the-organization-of-the-future