Ulliance Well-Being Blog

Good Leadership — So Much More than a Title or Nameplate

Written by Kathryn Lynch-Morin | Aug 9, 2019 5:13:01 PM

Manager, director, chief. No matter what the title is, a title alone can’t make a leader.

Throughout our careers, many of us have the opportunity to work for different types of leaders. Some leaders take credit for our hard work. Some leaders mentor us to enhance our career development. Some leaders help develop us to be leaders ourselves. Some leaders even inspire us to change the world! 

There are countless traits and practices that make good leaders what they are, but there are a few things that nearly all great leaders have in common.


Here are four tips for being
a GREAT leader:

1. Build Trust.

No one can be a great leader without being trusted. In the workplace, trust is built in many ways, including being fair and consistent, communicating honestly and openly and involving employees in the decision-making process. Building trust takes hard work, but it is worth the effort. When employees trust a leader, they have confidence in their decisions and are inspired and motivated by what they say and do. A lack of trust between employees and management can lessen productivity and lead to a toxic workplace.

2.  Coach Others.
Great leaders don’t just give orders—they provide mentoring and coaching to help build job competencies and confidence. Coaching includes inspiring and encouraging action, reinforcing an honest and candid environment and giving employees credit for big and small accomplishments. A great coach will often pull a player aside when he or she is missing the mark, and will call out that same player for a great shot in front of the whole team. A great leader should do the same. 

3. Take Responsibility.
Being accountable—when things go right and especially when they go wrong—is a huge part of building trust. Employees are empowered by leaders who own up to their own errors and create environments in which it is OK to take risks and make mistakes. Environments like those are created when managers avoid placing blame and dwelling on the past, and instead make proactive plans to move forward.

4. Leverage your team and their talents.
The most effective leaders get to know the individual strengths and passions of the teams they lead. By tapping into those strengths and passions, leaders empower their employees to take initiative and ownership, creating a clear path to innovation and success. Powerful leaders further leverage their teams by clearing obstacles, including their own micromanagement, that can get in the way of creativity and productivity.


Great leaders also recognize that importance of investing in their employees to build their skill set.

Employee training programs offered by the employer are not only key methods to improving the effectiveness, success, productivity and retention of your current workforce, but they also serve as an essential addition to your benefits package to attract future employees. And it’s not just about retention. Good employee training and development programs can directly impact your bottom line.

Here's how we can help

Leadership development takes time and hard work and Ulliance can help. Ulliance provides Leadership Development services designed with the sole purpose of making sure your employees and their skills are aligned with the goals of your organization. How can we help you? Visit www.ulliance.com, or call 866-648-8326.

Here are some sample management courses Ulliance offers to enhance management and supervisors:

  • Motivating Your Workforce
  • Communicate Like a Leader
  • Listening Skills for Managers
  • The New Supervisor
  • Management Skills Series