Look closely at the price tag and service offering differences between programs before you decide which is right for your organization. 

When an organization invests in employee assistance programs (EAPs), it is making an investment in its people and in the bottom line.

Employees with access to EAPs benefit from brief, solutions-focused counseling that is combined with an assessment and referral to other resources for long-term needs. Problems are resolved and employees who receive help are more productive and less likely to miss work or leave the job because of a crisis. Work teams learn more effective ways to communicate and organizations become more efficient and harmonious. 

The best EAPs equate to savings for the business. According to the Department of Labor, employers save an average of $5 to $16 for every dollar invested in an effective EAP.

Embedded EAPs—those programs that are bundled with other services such as health or long-term disability insurance, which are sometimes touted as free—often promise the same benefits and outcomes as traditional EAPs but at a reduced cost. However, employees typically end up paying the price for lesser services. Oftentimes, the cost of the free or embedded EAP service is built into the cost of the premium.

Effective EAPs employ counselors and other professionals, ranging from attorneys to elder care specialists. Embedded EAPs can offer services at a lower price because they divert employees in need of support away from EAP counseling and toward low-cost alternatives, such as online programs or even self-help. 

Typically, Embedded EAPs also come with little or no promotional support, which can drive down costs but also translate into low usage rates. 

The best EAPs are those that are well-promoted and fully utilized by employees. According to the Employee Assistance Professional Association, a robust EAP can provide employers with a 35 percent decrease in health care expenditures, a 30 percent reduction in workers’ compensation claims, 33 percent less use of sick leave benefits, and 65 percent fewer workplace accidents.

By your trying to cut expenses with an Embedded EAP, instead of using a full-service EAP, you could ultimately cost your organization more money.

Hundreds of organizations support their employees through Life Advisor EAPs. On average, 94 percent of employees experiencing substance abuse or emotional difficulties managed their personal problems and work/life challenges within the Ulliance Life Advisor EAP®, using our solutions-focused, short-term counseling process. How can we help you? Visit www.ulliance.com, or call 866-648-8326.

Want to learn everything there is to know about EAP? Download our comprehensive guide and see how your EAP stacks up!

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