Ulliance Well-Being Blog

How to Craft a Top-notch Team

Written by Ulliance | May 20, 2024 12:39:19 PM

Have you ever been part of a team that just seemed to click? A group of people who came together like a well-oiled machine, combining their diverse skills and talents to achieve remarkable results?

Or maybe you've experienced the opposite - a team plagued by poor communication, unresolved conflicts, and a lack of clear direction. A dysfunctional team can derail productivity and negatively impact employee engagement and retention.

The reality is that building a cohesive, high-performing team doesn't happen by chance. It requires intentional effort from leadership to get the right people in place, foster an inclusive environment built on trust, and provide coaching and support for teams to thrive.

Building a Successful Team

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations can't afford to have teams operating in silos or at cross-purposes. A united team that rows in the same direction is a powerful advantage.

"Great things in business are never done by one person. 
They're done by a team of people."
 ~ Steve Jobs

In the quest to construct a successful team, understanding the foundational elements that foster collaboration, drive, and unity among members is crucial. A successful team is not just a conglomerate of skilled individuals but a symbiotic group where each member's strengths are leveraged.

6 Essential tips for cultivating a thriving team dynamic:

1. Define the purpose and goals

Assembling an effective team requires defining a clear purpose and establishing measurable goals. Without this alignment, even the most talented individuals will spin their wheels.

Involve the core team members in a collaborative process to articulate the team's mission, vision, and specific objectives. For example, "Our marketing team's purpose is to drive brand awareness and revenue growth through innovative, data-driven campaigns." Then, work together to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that lead to the overarching purpose, providing focus and accountability.

2. Assemble the right mix of people

With a well-defined purpose in place, you can identify the skills, experience, and roles required for the team to succeed. Aim to strike a balance between complementary strengths and differing perspectives.

Assess current team members' capabilities and potential developmental needs. Then, strategically hire to fill gaps and bring in fresh viewpoints. Diversity in backgrounds, thinking styles, and subject matter expertise fosters innovation and smarter solutions.

Select members for skill and the ability to collaborate. During interviews, probe for strong collaboration skills in addition to technical competencies. Look for emotional intelligence, active listening abilities, and respectful disagreement styles.


3. foster an inclusive, collaborative environment

Even the most talented individuals won't gel into a high-performing team without an environment of trust, open communication, and shared accountability. As the leader, it is up to you to set the tone.

  • Model trust by admitting mistakes, asking for feedback, and acknowledging what you don't know. 
  • Encourage healthy debate by actively soliciting diverse perspectives and playing devil's advocate.
  • When conflicts do arise, address them promptly in a constructive manner focused on resolution rather than blame.
  • Provide training in conflict management and crucial conversations if needed.
  • Empower the team to take ownership through practices like democratic decision-making and rotating roles. This builds investment and commitment.

4. provide clarity, coaching and Accountability

Ambiguity around roles, responsibilities, and metrics for success breeds disorganization and frustration. Provide crystal-clear definitions collaboratively developed with team input.

As the leader, you play a vital role in coaching and developing each team member. Frequently observe their performance, provide real-time feedback, and have regular one-on-one check-ins. Create individual development plans and invest in training.

At the same time, hold individuals and the team accountable for delivering on goals and living up to team norms. Use objective data to review progress, quickly correct misalignments, and reinforce positive behaviors.

5. motivate, recognize and celebrate

What motivates one person may leave another feeling uninspired. Tailor your approach by understanding individual and team motivators.

Provide a balance of extrinsic motivators like incentives and rewards, as well as intrinsic motivators like autonomy, purpose, and opportunities for growth. Frequently recognize contributions and celebrate wins, both big and small.

Foster a positive, fun team culture where people genuinely enjoy working together. This boosts morale, engagement, and retention of top talent.

6. continual improvement and training

A successful team is never stagnant. Consistently assess performance and dynamics through data, surveys, observations, and retrospectives. Identify areas of strength to leverage and opportunities to improve.

Invest in professional development by bringing in team training on topics like emotional intelligence, design thinking, project management, or technical skills. Consider team-building experiences as well.

Adapt team structure, processes, and tools as needed to support evolving goals and circumstances. A nimble, growth-oriented approach keeps teams operating at their peak potential.

Building a Successful Remote Team

With more workers now in fully remote or hybrid positions, building and managing successful remote teams is more critical than ever. Here are a few additional considerations for constructing effective remote teams.

establish guidelines and communication protocols

Operating remotely requires a higher level of structure to maintain clarity, alignment, and productivity. Establish guidelines for communication preferences, response times, decision-making processes, meeting protocols, etc.

Encourage regular check-ins through video conferencing and other collaboration tools. Provide avenues for informal communication and socializing to maintain team cohesion.

leverage technology

Remote teams rely heavily on technology to stay connected, so investing in robust project management tools, virtual meeting software, and other necessary technologies is critical.

Ensure that all team members have adequate training and support for using these tools effectively. Consider implementing periodic technology audits to identify areas for improvement.

priortize trust and empowerment

Without the ability to physically see and monitor team members, trust becomes even more critical. Trust your team to get the job done without constant micromanagement.

Empower individuals with autonomy over their work and decision-making. Allow for flexible working hours to accommodate different time zones and individual needs.

promote work-life balance

Remote work can blur the lines between personal and professional life. Encourage your team to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries and taking breaks. Model this behavior yourself as a leader.

Establish policies for paid time off, sick leave, and mental health days to support overall well-being. Encourage team members to disconnect from work during non-working hours.

celebrate virtual wins

Just like in a traditional office, it's essential to recognize and celebrate achievements in a remote setting. Schedule virtual team events or send out care packages to show appreciation for your team's hard work and dedication.

All Teams Have Challenges: Recognizing and Overcoming Roadblocks

Even the most meticulously crafted teams face hurdles along the way. Here are some common challenges that can derail a team's progress, along with strategies to course-correct and maintain momentum:

communication breakdowns

When information sharing is unclear, incomplete, or siloed, misunderstandings and inefficiencies arise.

  • Establish clear communication protocols outlining preferred methods (email, instant messaging, project management tools), response times, and expectations for keeping everyone informed.
  • Encourage active listening and open dialogue
  • Hold regular team meetings to discuss progress, roadblocks and brainstorm solutions.

conflict and disagreements

Healthy debate can foster innovation, but uncontrolled conflict can be destructive.

  • Set ground rules for respectful disagreement, focusing on the issue at hand, not personalities.
  • Encourage diverse perspectives and utilize a facilitator role to mediate discussions productively.
  • Direct conflict towards solutions by brainstorming win-win scenarios and focusing on shared goals.

lack of trust and accountability

Without trust and accountability, collaboration suffers. When team members doubt each other's commitment or competence, it breeds negativity.

  • Leaders should model trust by admitting mistakes, owning decisions, and giving credit to others.
  • Clearly define individual and team roles with measurable goals to establish ownership.
  • Implement peer-to-peer recognition programs to acknowledge contributions and celebrate successes.

burnout and disengagement

When team members feel overwhelmed, undervalued, or lack a sense of purpose, they become disengaged.

  • Promote work-life balance by encouraging breaks, respecting vacation time, and avoiding constant after-hours communication.
  • Recognize individual contributions and provide opportunities for professional development to combat feelings of stagnation.
  • Tailor work to individual strengths and interests to enhance motivation and ownership.

misalignment with Goals or Roles

Confusion around goals or roles breeds frustration and wasted effort.

  • Regularly visit and communicate team goals, ensuring everyone understands the "why" behind 
    the work.
  • Clearly define individual roles and responsibilities, avoiding ambiguity.
  • Encourage open communication so team members can voice concerns or request clarification when needed.

By acknowledging these challenges and proactively implementing solutions, leaders can create an environment essential for long-term success.

Creating a high-performing team involves consistently investing time and effort. However, the positive outcomes can have significant advantages for both the company and employees.

When you partner with Ulliance, our Life Advisor Consultants are always just a phone call away to teach ways to enhance your work/life balance and increase your happiness. The Ulliance Life Advisor Employee Assistance Program can help employees and employers come closer to a state of total well-being.

Investing in the right EAP or Wellness Program to support your employees will help them and help you.  Visit https://ulliance.com/ or call 866-648-8326.

The Ulliance Employee Assistance Program can address the
following issues:

• Stress about work or job performance
• Crisis in the workplace
• Conflict resolution at work or in one’s personal life
• Marital or relationship problems
• Child or elder care concerns
• Financial worries
• Mental health problems
• Alcohol/substance abuse
• Grief
• Interpersonal conflicts

Have some questions about our services? Book a quick meeting below!



6 Steps to Building a Great Team; Entrepreneur; Chris Mayfield,https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/6-steps-to-building-a-great-team/423574

Building an Effective Team; Michael Page

How to Build Better Teams in the Workplace; Gallup

Reinventing Your Leadership Team; Harvard Business Review; Paul Leinwand, Mahadeva Matt Mani, and Blair Sheppard, https://hbr.org/2022/01/reinventing-your-leadership-team