In the role of an Account Manager at Ulliance, many are working with companies who are facing the current opiate crisis. This epidemic is not only having a dollars and cents impact on the workforce – for many companies, the heroin epidemic is having an adverse impact on the community as a whole. In many cases, companies are having a difficult time filling job vacancies due to the complex and/or specialized nature of the work.
As a result, more companies are changing their Alcohol & Drug Policies to encourage employees with a substance abuse problem to come forward and ask for help. Ulliance has worked with company HR departments and Safety Directors to revise Alcohol & Drug Policies based on our expertise and SHRM best-practice guidelines (standard EAP programs don’t offer this and companies would have to partner with a third party and pay to have this done).
One of our Ulliance Account Managers works with two companies where such policies are in place – if an employee self-discloses a problem with alcohol or other drugs, the company will help the employee find appropriate treatment. Referral to the EAP is a part of this process. But the partnership with Ulliance goes beyond EAP counseling. Ulliance provides unlimited management and HR consultations regarding substance use issues in the workplace, and any another HR issue or problem.
Our dedicated Ulliance Account Managers are assigned specific client companies (standard EAPs have call centers) – often Account Managers are assigned to companies based on the AM’s previous background.
*Certain exclusions and differences may apply based on company location and availability of drug testing facilities in the area.