Kent Sharkey shared his perspective on the impact sexual harassment revelations have on
co-workers, colleagues and employers as all grapple with making sense of these troubling situations.

The following topics were highlighted:

  • How can an employer support employees who are faced with the revelation that a trusted and esteemed colleague is involved in a sexual harassment / misconduct allegation?

  • How organizations can be prepared to handle these types of allegations / reports, including what employers, HR people or co-workers should do if they are confronted with information related to sexual harassment.

  • What can employers do to create a sense of safety and security for all employees when it comes to sexual harassment?



Kent Sharkey, president and CEO Ulliance, Inc. was featured on Fox 2 News 
(CLICK IMAGE ABOVE TO WATCH) on the Nine morning show discussing how we help employers and employees understand the parameters of sexual harassment in the workplace.

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