Ulliance Well-Being Blog

Tune Out the Distractions and Catch Some Quality Shut-Eye

Written by Ulliance | Mar 3, 2020 4:47:46 PM

Getting enough quality sleep is critical to good physical and mental health. But how is restful sleep possible with an endless to-do list running through your mind, a new binge-worthy show on Netflix and a stream of social media posts to scroll through?

And that’s not to mention the sneaky hour-stealer that is Daylight Saving Time, which begins March 8—the same date the National Sleep Foundation’s (NSF) Sleep Awareness Week kicks off.

The NSF encourages everyone to get the sleep they need. It recommends seven to nine hours of sleep for adults ages 18 to 64, and seven to eight hours for adults ages 65 and older.

Getting better sleep, which aids in regulating your weight, brain and heart health and even longevity—can mean you’re better able to reach your personal and professional goals.

Try these 5 ways of getting more and more quality sleep:

    1. Stick to a sleep schedule, even on the weekend. It’s as simple as picking a time to start unwinding, a time to go to bed and a time to wake up. The key is to stick to the schedule every day—even on weekends—to realize the full benefits. Consider using the NSF’s bedtime calculator to set your sleep schedule.

    2. Create a calming bedtime routine. Whether it’s stretching, meditating or taking a hot bath, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine will help signal to your body that it’s time for rest. If you find that your mind races at bedtime, consider keeping a notepad and pen next to the bed. Jot down your to-do list for the next day prior to settling in for the night. The NSF says this strategy ensures that you won’t forget about anything the next day, which may help you stop worrying and help you drift off to sleep.

    3. Fresh Clean, Soft Sheets & Clean Comfy Pillows  
      Sheets should be washed weekly in hot water to deter dust mites from embedding in the fibers. Dust mite excrement can create all kinds of nose and eye allergy problems—but hot water washing easily removes them from your bedding.

      Pillows – Pillows should be washed every 3 months and replaced at least every 3 years, especially if you are not washing them regularly. Down pillows need to be dry cleaned, but you can also spray them with Lysol and throw them in the dryer in a pinch. The same dust mite story holds true with pillows and pillow covers. So, keep everything clean and fresh and you will sleep like a baby!

    4. Turn off electronics before bed. Using your phone to unwind before bed can actually have the opposite effect, according to sleep experts. Phones and other mobile devices not only stimulate our brains, making us more awake and less prone to REM sleep, the blue light that’s emitted actually suppresses Melatonin, the hormone responsible for the sleep and wake cycles.

    5. Exercise daily. Regular physical activity improves sleep quality and increases sleep duration, according to the NSF. Outdoor exercise during daylight hours helps even more.

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Quality sleep is important to overall physical and emotional well-being and happiness. Good sleep helps to regulate our moods while we are awake. A lack of sleep can lead to cognitive impairment and general foul moods. 

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